A lovely thank-you

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After Casey was done with her internship at amNewYork, she sent me a lovely thank-you note on a bright-pink notecard with the letter “C” on it (I have now learned that her favorite color was pink). In this digital age, it was a pleasant surprise to receive a hand-written note (I love writing hand-written thank-you cards myself). It was also the only thank-you note I’d ever received from an intern. Here’s what it said:

“Julie, Thanks so much for everything! I had a great time working with you and I learned a lot. I feel like I have a much better perspective on how a newspaper works since interning at AM. I really appreciated all the hands-on experience and the fact that you allowed me to write stories and interview sources. As a result, my interviewing skills have improved a lot and I am much more confident when interviewing. I also appreciated all the constructive criticism on my writing — it was really helpful. Hope you’re having a good summer so far, and let me know if there is any freelance stuff I can do. Thanks! Casey”

It’s been hanging on my bulletin board at work since the day it came, and it isn’t going anywhere.

— Julie Gordon, arts & entertainment editor at amNewYork

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